16.12.2008, 21 Uhr 48
Von Neumann shows that cybernetics must founder on the construction of a system that observes all its constructions, unless observation – that is, the actuating of brain functions appropriate to human beings – were to be nonsensically reduced to a simple measurement model. Contrary to the persisting claims of second order cyberneticists, any re-entry of the observer into the observation system fails because we know nothing about the ergodics of statistical brain functions. As an independent calculation this re-entry of logic into itself functions at best only in the context of a universal spirituality.
George Spencer-Brown, the esteemed authority for all second order cyberneticists and constructivists, has never concealed the proximity of his logic calculation to the spiritualism of universality; in fact, he never tires of propagating it. Every constructivist theory, from Bateson to Luhmann, has so far concealed the spirituality of its epistemological core. The camouflage of cybernetics thus continues right up to the present day.
W. Hagen: Die Camouflage der Kybernetik. www.whagen.de/vortraege/Camouflage/CamouflageVortrag.htm